
Fighting Food Insecurity

A city known for its significant contribution to the history of music and its vibrant cultural scene, Cleveland is yet another community combating the injustices of poverty and social inequity. Persistent wage gaps prevent families and kids from truly thriving and make finding security difficult. According to Feeding America, a national nonprofit fighting hunger, nearly 14 percent of Cuyahoga County is food insecure. The Greater Cleveland Food Bank also reported that it served 87,000 new people in its fiscal year 2021, as the pandemic exacerbated existing community challenges. As a part of our six-city initiative, Rite Aid Healthy Futures has committed to empowering the children of neighborhoods like Fairfax and Hough through funding providing equal access to food, education and health care.

Rite Aid Healthy Futures first-ever Strengthening Cities grants support The FARE Project’s Growing the Next Generation project.

This project will build sustainable community-led food hubs in three Cleveland neighborhoods. It will also help create new and expanded garden spaces to enhance local food production for children and youth, develop youth programming focused on health outcomes and build new strategic partnerships.

(image: FARE Project)
